2010년 9월 27일 월요일

The most memorable experience :)

I would like to share the most memorable experience for learning and teaching language. I have been teaching English several years. I have had the opportunity to work in different schools and environments. I have used my skills as a teacher to adapt to the different situations with passion. I love to work with different types of learners and programs. I have learned that the most important element that determines the success or failure of any initiative in education is the teacher. This has led me to realize my overall goal, which is to continue to improve as a teacher. What my point is that as a teacher and becoming a great teacher, I have learned a lot of good things. Language learning and teaching should be concerned with authentic life.

When I was a University student I got a chance to study in Canada as an exchange student. In my courses I studied the practical teaching methods Audio linguist, Total Physical Response and Community Language Learning. The background knowledge and theories I learned have been very useful to me.  I am especially interested in volunteer work and group activity. I volunteered in the Thursday morning preschool program called Kids’ Kollege in Canada. I was primarily responsible for taking care of babies and preschoolers, helping them with crafts and games, and to put away the program supplies. So I got good experiences not only the educational subjects but also to learn and understand from the views of my classmates and my students in extracurricular activities.

I developed a great awareness through meeting of new cultures and various people. It means learning second language should be in the real situation, authentic life.

2010년 9월 13일 월요일


Reflection: Critical Incident Protocol

Complete the critical incident protocol for this week’s topic/situation/incident:

“A key teaching/learning moment in my life”

• WHAT? Step back and observe [OBJECTIVE]

I teach English as a foreign language, so in my case it is a little bit more difficult, because children use English just at school or in few circumstances. Most of the times in the class they tend to use their L1.

This is one of my strategies; the communication is the most important thing. So it doesn't matter how childish the conversation is with them, or also it doesn't matter how obvious the answers are, the teacher should keep talking with them, they should go into their mind and start thinking like them during the classes. Even though they speak their L1 a lot. It can be bad but also it can be helping them in a way to think about what they should do.

• WHY? Look for background or causes [semi-OBJECTIVE]

I am aware that each of them has different level of ability in English language.

Using their L1 makes them feel way more comfortable so the lower level students tend to express their thought with their mother tongue. I accept all of the answers both in Korean and English. Sometimes I correct mistakes. Sometimes I help kid to make his or her message understandable. I accept anything they say. I think in this way I help them increase their positive self-esteem. I think “No self-esteem, no learning.”

• Meaning? Interpretation [SUBJECTIVE]

As a teacher, one of my roles would be to train and assist them the whole time the learning process by providing information and giving useful guidelines.

So my students will be able to take charge of their own learning with support from the teacher.

• Implications? for teaching [PERSONAL]

As a teacher, I should be able to attend to my students’ personal and academic needs whenever needed. I will try to create a comfortable learning environment based on respect. I will try to make my lessons more appropriate to my students so that they can communicate whatever they learn in the classroom with the ‘real’ environment. I hope my students should be able to have self-confidence, good skills and excellent knowledge.

2010년 9월 6일 월요일

Week 1 Response

"Varying text time in which students re-write a story starting at another point in time"

-Such a revision would be welcome for three reasons.
-Such exercises will prove to be effective not only in teaching how to cope with texual appropriation but also in giving novice writers freedom to explore various textual interpretations, which would serve to clutivate their own voices.
-Such an experience will help ES/EFL writers come to understand that more drastic revision od source texts are required not just in academic writing but even in non-academic writing.